Halloween is upon us, that means copious amounts of sweets and a good helping truly awful costumes. Oddly enough I find it is actually the people who buy their costumes who end up disappointed. I am a firm believer in creating your own costumes, there is something very rewarding about it, which is why I would like to showcase some of the heroic home made car costumes I found on Pinterest recently.

5. My First Fiat 500



 This is a great one to start the list with, although there are no instructions with this one it seems fairly simple, despite looking quite complex. There isn't a great deal of detail to the car, it seems to be made just out of flat cardboard, blue paper and pen. The thing that grabbed my attention was the working headlights! Very impressive.

4. Tow-Mater Costume


Of course we wouldn’t be able to get through a car costume list without something from the film ‘Cars’ coming up, it was inevitable. I saw plenty of Lightning McQueen costumes, which are great but there are too many of them, I thought this Tow-Mater one was much better! It’s properly home made and even has a little winch on the back, that’s pretty good going.

3. Bumblebee


I’ve seen some great Bumblebee transformer costume videos on Facebook but they have all either been adults or look very shop bought. This is a great example of a home made version and it’s really does look good. I think the fact that it is obviously home made really makes it that bit better, you can tell a lot of effort went in to this. Also, what kid doesn’t want to be a transformer?!

2. Monster Truck


I thought this one was absolutely great, it’s big, it looks well made and I think the overall look is amazing for a home made costume! The thing that set it above the others for me was the way they clearly used random improvised objects to make it and yet nothing really looks out of place. God knows what those headlights were originally supposed to be but they sure work well as monster truck headlights. Top marks!

1. Mini Delorean


As soon as I saw this one I knew it would be number one, how could it not be? Particularly due to the fact that we just had Back To The Future day. The thing about this one is the sheer quality of the whole project, I certainly wouldn’t expect that many people to be able to build this and make it look this good. The little touches are great on this one, the blue lights for example look awesome and the wheels are another great feature. I would like to point out to anyone thinking about making this one, they have used a push along stroller of some sort as the base. Those are my favourites so far, if you can here looking for ideas I hope you have a couple to go away and try now. A little bit of effort goes a long way! If you have found any other good examples of home made motoring costumes we would love to see them! 

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